Sunday, September 1, 2013

on why september 1st is like new year's to me

This year, I'm trying to think of today as the beginning of a new year. Why? It's simple: today is the first day of the Orthodox Church year.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the rhythm our life has had the past few year's, and what kind of rhythm I want it to develop in the next few years. The main thing I want is for it to be based on the rhythm, the life, of our church. The first start to that is to make a point to learn about and celebrate the 12 major feast days of the year. That alone will take a few years, but I'm ready to start.

I hope to expand upon this theme and share more of my thoughts, but for today I will just give you a link. In the article, the writer explains the connection of the seasons with Christ and the church in a most eloquent way. It's titled "New Beginnings."

So, "Happy New Year!" My prayer for this year is to create a rhythm that keeps us connected to Christ and continually draws us closer to Him.

"You who created all things in Your infinite wisdom, 
and set the times by Your own authority,
grant Your Christian people victories.
Blessing our comings and goings throughout this year,
guide our works according to Your divine will.
 ~ Kontakion ~

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