Friday, May 31, 2013

May Links

I finally got to do some blog reading this month after not having internet for a while. I spent part of quiet time and the evening yesterday browsing my feedly (which I love!). There were a lot of good reads, but I’ll try and not go overboard.

I love Emily’s writing and lately she’s been writing great posts about exactly what’s on my mind and heart right now. I can’t wait for her next book A Million Little Ways to come out!

Food: make your own frozen hashbrowns @ Heavenly Homemaker
We often eat potatoes for breakfast – this will be a real time saver!

Natural Living: natural remedies for ear infections @ Mommypotamus
I haven’t had to deal with an ear infection in one of my children yet (thank God!), but I was always afraid of one because I was clueless. This post was fascinating and I will be sure to refer to it when the time comes!

Make your own veggie wash @ Keeper of the Home
I am guilty of not buying organic and just rinsing produce. I want to make (and use) this now!

Homemaking: Some great thoughts on hospitality - something that's been on my mind lately (and I want to do more of). All @ the Provision Room:

Monday, May 13, 2013


All of Holy Week, I had felt like a dry well, and when Pascha came, I didn't get a gushing spring, as I was hoping. But I did get a small stream passing through, bringing mellow peace and joy. I didn't get a deep profound revelation, but I did notice growth in the little things. Fresh growth.

Growth in the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Between two sister-in-laws.

Growth between two cousins, who now rarely fight. Growth in little babies, on the trees, in the flowers. In a belly.

Life. Growth. If is everywhere and it comes from Him who created life in us. Who gives us our reason to live - and eternal life. It comes from Him who is alive again - and forever!

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!