Monday, May 19, 2014

Helps for Orthodox Mothers: Books

I just have a few books to recommend when it comes to motherhood. The first two I have read a few times already and plan to read them every year. The last one it one I should read more often, and I hope to read it again this year.

This is not a book about motherhood, but about life. My friend Rachel gave this to me when my oldest was just 7 months old. It came at a pivotal time for me, during a time I was still adjusting to the whole motherhood thing. This book changed my life, and I know it did the same for many others.

This also came at an important time in my mothering life. My sister-in-law Lisa recommended it to my husband and me when our oldest was about 18 months, right when we started having discipline issues. For us, this book is right on. The concepts are common sense and grounded in love. The hard part is living them out! (That’s why I read it over and over!) You can actually read the whole book for free on their website here. The book it worth it’s cost though!

I’m sorry to say I have only read this once – while I was pregnant with my first. I can’t remember a lot from it, but I remember appreciating it. It is excerpts from his book The Path to Salvation.

And if you just want a pat on the back, Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s book In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms is a fun and quick read.

What is a book that was helpful to you?

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