Just an overview of what is current in my life. A snapshot of how I'm trying to give "all these things" to Him and truly seek first His kingdom in my life.
heart & soul :: We all go through dry spells spiritually. This is one of those times for me. This Advent has been tough so far. ~ I'm working on focusing on priorities right now. When my mind starts to plan new projects or come up with ideas, I try to bring it back to the important things at hand.
mothering :: This week has been a challenge as far as behavior (mine, that is). But, children are so loving and forgiving and each day is new. I find comfort and strength in that, and I can feel Christ helping me.
home & kitchen :: I ordered a sourdough starter and sprouting seeds earlier this week. So, so, SO excited to start these two things I've been wanting to do for a long time. ~ Got out the Christmas decorations this week. And a friend gave us a wreath, so I'm excited to decorate that and hang it up. My first wreath. :) ~ Been feeling like crumbs on the floor, laundry, and the to-do list multiply over night... does this happen in your home too?
rhythm :: We're doing the Jesse Tree this year and I've been having trouble doing it every day. It doesn't matter though. I think my daughter prefers to have 2 or 3 (or, um, 5) ornaments to look at while I read instead of just one. When I say we're going to do it, she jumps up and down and says excitedly "Jesse Tree!! Jesse Tree!! Jesse Tree!!" I love her enthusiasm. ~ For a while now, my husband has been putting both kids to bed at the same time. They pile onto Sweet Girl's bed and Papi reads a story. After the light is off he tells a story or two and sings some songs. It melts my heart to hear him. Bubby didn't even resist this transition of Mama not putting him to bed. He comes right to me and gives me a hug and kiss and then basically says "Okay, put me on the bed." and waves good-bye as I leave. I'd be sad if he wasn't so cute about it.
learning & growing :: I just started singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" to Sweet Girl and she loves it! I was never really a big fan, but I have a paper that explains the meaning of each thing and I thought it would be a good lesson. Having her sing along makes it the most beautiful song now. ~ And Bubby is learning to walk! A little over a week ago he walked 5 steps to Papi, and then 5 steps to me. Sweet Girl was in the room too and we all were cheering so happily. I'm so glad we were all there to see it. And I'm glad he walked at 17 months because it made it all that more exciting since we've been waiting so long! Now he totters here, scoots, crawls, gets back up and totters. It's so cute. I might be rethinking that when he starts running away from me!
looking forward to... starting a St. Nicholas Day tradition on Friday. There will be chocolate coins in the shoes and we'll sing the Akathist and make cookies. Also looking forward to the St. Nicholas and St. Lucia party at church on Saturday. We have a little Christmas store for the children to buy trinkets and things to give as Christmas presents. (Everything is a quarter or less.) A man at our church pretends to be St. Nicholas, and my sister (Lucy) pretends to be St. Lucia. We have been doing it for several years and it's very special.
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