Monday, October 21, 2013

the beginning of a journey

I have been hinting for a while that I have some thoughts I want to share with you all. I've been preparing, writing, and thinking. I still don't feel "ready," but that's okay. There's no real end to the thoughts; I can't just be "done."

There will be many posts connected with a similar theme, but I am not calling this a series because I don't see the end to them. Instead it's the beginning of a journey. A journey my husband and I have talked, thought, and prayed about for over a year now. My hope is to share this journey with you here, in a semi-organized way.

This journey of ours is toward a simpler life. I'll explore questions like:

       Why are we so busy?
       How can we spend less money?
       How do we use our resources wisely?
       How does one do less, yet be more?
       What is community, and how do we grow it?

I certainly don't have all the answers, but I will share my thoughts and the conclusions we have come to for ourselves. I will share steps I've already taken to save money, live more naturally, and how I manage our home. I'll share our vision, the values guiding us, and our hopes for the future.

Each Monday, I will post about this journey. My hope is to inspire and encourage, and be inspired and encouraged as well. There's a lot going on in our hearts right now. This is a place for me to organize these thoughts and dreams, as well as share them with all of you.

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