Saturday, April 21, 2012

Homemaking Saturday: A Couple Cleaning Tips

On Homemaking Saturday I share something I'm doing or learning to make my home a better place to live.

These tips are new to me, which may show my lack of cleaning skills, but I want to share them because I feel enlightened and excited... hey, maybe you will too!

1) How to clean a hair brush. I humbly admit it... I have never truly cleaned a hair brush before. I would pick out the gunk, run it under hot water, or just get a new one (after a few years). It wasn't until I saw in a Real Simple magazine a link to instructions that I even realized there's an effective way to clean a hair brush! Here it is:

  • Fill a container with 1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup white vinegar, and 20 drops of tea tree essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil or lavender essential oil.
  • Soak brush for 20 minutes. 
  • Rinse in clear water and air dry. 
Sooooo simple AND it worked! I used a tall plastic cup Sweet Girl plays with in the tub (something we don't drink out of). The only thing was that around the top of the handle (where it met the water), a ring of paint came off. But, I'd rather have a clean brush! 

2) Cleaning a porcelain sink with baking soda. I know baking soda can do amazing things cleaning, but I'm always skeptical and think of it last. I've been cleaning our porcelain sink with Comet, but a ran out a few weeks ago. I really wanted to find something different. So when I went to clean it, I decided to check my Green Clean book (which I should have done when we first moved here!). It said to wet a sponge with baking soda. I thought, "Yeah, right." But it worked! It might not be as bright white, but it was noticeably cleaner, and bright enough for me. I put the baking soda in a narrow glass jar, since the box had gotten wet, and put my wet rag over the opening, shook some onto the rag and just repeated when I needed to. Ahh, a safe and cheap way to have a clean white sink! (Just so you know, that's not my sink pictured above. If only...)

And, I apologize for only two (I was going to try to find a third), but I'm anxious to work on some curtains for the bedroom before Sweet Girl wakes up! Have a great weekend!

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