Monday, March 5, 2012

Adding Structure to the Blog

I've been doing a lot of thinking (again) about this blog. What is it I really want to say? Share? Well, a lot actually. Not my whole life, oh no. But I do want to share what I'm learning and how I'm growing. And I'm learning and growing in a lot of different ways.

My posting has been sporadic, only happening when I have the time and something to write about. Mostly time has been the issue, but also lack of structure. I thrive within structure. (Ask my husband. When something is off our routine or what I expected, it takes me a bit to adjust.) And so with this blog, I have a list of ideas on paper (at least I'm doing that!), but no designated time to write them, so they don't get written!

So after some praying and thinking, my goal now is to have regular posts. Three a week and two others each month. At least; maybe more!

I'm really excited about these "topics" because they are focused yet broad enough that you may be surprised by what I write about, and I have room to be creative!

I just wrote about the different roles that I'm really focusing on right now in my life. In general, I am going to stick to writing about these roles. The topics are umbrellas for the different areas that fall under those roles. Okay, okay, what are they already!?!


Money Monday - This may sound strange, but it's related to being an economical homemaker. Things are tight for us right now, and I'm really motivated to learn about how to make, save, and wisely spend money. So, while I'm on this learning streak, I'm going to share my thoughts and lessons with you all. So, this topic may only be around for a while, but be sure it'll be replaced by whatever I decide to learn about next!

Thoughtful Thursday - This is where I share my thoughts about how I'm working to improve myself as a woman, wife and mother. 

Homemaking Saturday - You guessed it! It's about homemaking. It will include all my many home interests such as making home products myself, food, sewing, organizing, and on and on!


Review/Preview - You've seen this before - where I share how the previous month was, and what I have planned for the upcoming month.

Sharing the Faith with Kids - Once a month I hope to do a simple Sunday School lesson with the kids at our church. I'll share here what that will be!

My plan is to start next week. My best friend is coming tomorrow to spend the week with me while hubby is in Texas (lucky guy!) with the team. So I'll be enjoying her company. Check back next Monday!

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