Friday, February 3, 2012

A Peek Into Our Every Day (newly revised) Lives

I feel as if the pregnancy fog has lifted. My head feels clearer and I'm feeling motivated again. I am sticking to my resolutions, but I am doing more in the home. No more mid-day nap (for now!) means more time. And less fatigue (for now!) means more desire to get things done!

The past couple days, I have felt like our daily life was a bit too unstructured for me, and the house was getting a bit too dirty also. I had dropped the "zone cleaning" that I took from the Fly Lady because I just didn't have the energy to do more than the basics. Yesterday I was noticing the honey fingerprints on the cabinet, a smudge on a curtain, and lots and lots of little girl prints on the glass doors (I do adore those, but after a while, the window needs a freshening!). Sigh. So I started thinking about how I could get the things done that really need to be done once a month or so. Today, I decided to revise my zones. I was going to break it down into 4 or 5 chores a month (i.e. clean cobwebs in every room). As I looked at them, I realized it's really not that much work a week, and if I planned right, I could get it done, or at least most of it. So I deleted a few things, modified a few (like doing cobwebs all at once instead of one room a week), and made a weekly planning checklist to make sure I planned in the zone chores each week!

A couple days ago, I had sketched out a daily routine for us. It's basically what happens on a good, organized day. So I hope it will serve as a reminder to stay on task, get the things done while taking time to read and play too. Here's a peek into my goal for the day with Sweet Girl (of course, Mama's day includes much more!):

*Note: Any time we are done with tasks before the next thing, we'll spend the time reading or playing. Also, for the most part, Sweet Girl "helps" with most tasks, so we are still spending time together.

Daily Routine ·     Get up and get ready
·     Prayers
·     Breakfast and clean-up
·     Read for 15-20 min.
·     Cleaning tasks for the day
·     Tasks for the day
·     Lunch and clean-up
·     Nap time
·     Snack
·     Fold laundry, finish tasks
·     Make supper
·     Play/read
·     Clean-up
Bedtime routine

I feel like running a home, and caring for a child/children, is a constant process or reevaluating the situation, revising, then coasting for a bit, until things get bumpy again! I enjoy the process, thankfully and really feel refreshed when I can find ways to make our lives more efficient, smooth and enjoyable!

As a final note, I felt the baby move for the first time Wednesday evening! As I wrote this, it felt like the baby was dancing. It's such a wonderful feeling! This is definitely a wonderful time of pregnancy; thanks be to God!

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