Monday, January 23, 2012

This Year of 2012

So it's almost through the first month, and I'm just now writing about my goals and hopes for this year. May I offer an excuse? I'm pregnant. Yes, I'm pregnant! I've known since early November, but I wanted to wait for an announcement. I am now 15 weeks - due right before Sweet Girl's second birthday in July. I'm also tired. A lot. Today I am actually using this morning time before Sweet Girl wakes up to do something besides go back to sleep on the couch. (But I'm still tired.)

So this is why my posting has been delayed, or short. Why goals are not being pursued so enthusiastically as before this happened. And it will explain my overall goal for the year: simplicity and growth in the home.

This means no outside, long term commitments. No lengthy goal sheets each month or projects with due dates. What time I'm left with to myself after my duties to my family and the home will be spent solely on reading, writing or creating what I want! So far I've read a book, I've written several times in my journal the past week, and my to do list is getting smaller at a faster pace than it is growing! Partly because I have a little more energy and am usually able to go through the day without a nap. But also because I am pacing myself. I am trying to be balanced and think twice before adding something to that list.

At the same time, I want to grow within the home. I want to create a simple, organized, and lovely home to bring this baby home to. And I want our routines and habits to be formed and seamless so when this baby is here, we have them to fall back on and integrate the baby into, and therefore less disruption to our lives. I'm sure we'll have to adapt them, but we will be adapting a structure, not building from scratch.

I want to learn to be a better homemaker over all. Learn how to properly do laundry, set a table, and stock a house. For years I've had to learn how to move every six months, not build up a home. Now it's time to do that. And it would be fun to make something, maybe a quilt, for this little one.

I want to be able to be at home. To focus fully on my husband and daughter. To give this baby what he or she needs. I don't want to be rushing around doing this and doing that, not even knowing why I'm doing it in the first place. And I think that is a good goal for the rest of my life!

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